
Eye on the pie

<p>Is Indiana better off now than four years ago?</p> <p>Just a few more weeks and we’ll be in 2020. Incumbent office holders...

Abdul Hakim-Shabazz: Another truth about teacher pay

By Abdul Hakim-Shabazz  If you want to increase teacher pay, stay away from cutting funding for vouchers and charters...

Eye on the pie

Is Indiana better off now than four years ago? Just a few more weeks and we’ll be in 2020. Incumbent office holders...

Eric Schansberg: Justice for all, when convenient

<p>When I teach about “personal discrimination,” I often use the example of bigotry against the number 13. You’ve probably heard that some people have...

Dick Wolfsie: Mixed messages

My proofreader, Heidi, left me a voicemail. A text transcription showed up below the notification. The message read: “Hi. I sent your proofed column...

Eric Schansberg: Justice for all, when convenient

When I teach about “personal discrimination,” I often use the example of bigotry against the number 13. You’ve probably heard that some people have...

Dick Wolfsie: Mixed messages

<p>My proofreader, Heidi, left me a voicemail. A text transcription showed up below the notification. The message read: “Hi. I sent your proofed column...

The baby doesn’t need any bossiness

When our youngest daughter and her family moved into their new house, she told her older sister and myself that we weren’t to boss...

Lee Hamilton: We need regular ways to hold presidents accountable

“I ask how and why this decision was reached,” Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said in the Senate recently. He was calling for an investigation...

Local government is most trusted, but lack of voter interest is puzzling

Municipal elections are coming up in Indiana, and it’s hard not to be cynical about them. In my city of Fort Wayne,...