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Editorial: Santos’ removal may set worrisome precedent


The Wall Street Journal

Brian Howey: Our leaders warn of the coming cataclysm


NOTRE DAME — Our world is on fire. Our leaders are warning of a coming cataclysm.

Mark Franke: They’ve gone too far


This time they have gone too far, so far that even their usual choir of apologists have distanced themselves.

Lee Hamilton: Why does even popular legislation stall in Congress?


It’s not hard to imagine that as Congress edged closer and closer to shutting down the US government at the end of September, most Americans watched with a sense of both disbelief and bemusement. Disbelief, because on Congress’ list of key responsibilities, keeping the federal government running surely ranks near the top. And some degree of confusion because, given overwhelming bipartisan support for passing spending bills, how could things have gotten so dire?

Editorial: A horrific day for Israel


Chicago Tribune

Editorial: Rep. Pence right; McCarthy ouster ‘a waste of time’


Rep. Greg Pence, R-Columbus, declined to join the crazy caucus of eight Republicans, led by the ethically challenged Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who joined House Democrats in voting in an unprecedented move to topple House Speaker Kevin McCarthy last week.

Editorial: Women leaders show power through positivity


The (Columbus) Republic

Bud Herron: Blooming awareness from a dying man


Mark cupped his dry, white, wisp of a hand around the backside of the hibiscus flower and bent forward, pulling it gently toward his face – not to smell the blossom but to peer intently inside its core.