Letter: Why the left wants the First Amendment modified

To the editor:

Why does the left want the First Amendment modified?

With the passing of Rush Limbaugh we may have ended a period that brought comfort to a generation that refused to be canceled or keep their mouths shut. Liberals despise freedom of speech when it isn’t them speaking. Liberals don’t just want to oppose conservative speech, they want it canceled.

I was CEO and owner of a company with locations in Indiana and Kentucky. I traveled by car and later on my companies twin engine Cessna. On one trip, to accompany one of my Louisville salesman to visit a large international account at their general headquarters, something strange happened.

Riding up the elevator there were a couple salesmen from a soda pop company going to see my friend, a VP and fellow fan of Limbaugh. They expressed their hate for Limbaugh and believed he should have his heart ripped out. It was a long ride to the top floor and they spent the whole time talking about their hate for Limbaugh.

My friend was ready for his appointment with the soda pop fellows but I walked into his office and told him what they had said about Limbaugh. He suggested they be taken to task. Before they started their doomed sales pitch and were asked to leave and not return, he asked them their thoughts about advertising on The Rush Limbaugh show? As far as I know, through the ownership changes through the years, that soda pop has never been available in their stores.

Floyd Shirrell
