Letter: Don’t blame conservatives, business for your personal failures

To the editor:

On Jan. 14, Donald Smith wrote a letter I’d like to respond to. In that letter he advanced the theory that “for most of the last 30 years, ordinary Americans have been living in a nightmare of declining quality of life." ("Big problems will continue until public rejects conservative propaganda.")

For the record, that much of his letter I agree with, but our agreement ends there.

Mr. Smith went on to blame conservatives, Republicans and big business for the declining quality of life many are experiencing. In doing so he rings the same victimization bell that liberals always ring, but that doesn’t make it correct. The simple fact is, far too many within America’s society become their own worst enemy long before ever being touched by a conservative, Republican or big business. They do so by denying themselves any hope of liberty, success or quality of life via their own horrendous decisions.

When our youth increasingly quit school, take drugs, commit a felony or produce a child, often prior to their first job interview, they trigger a death spiral from which most never recover. That, Mr. Smith, is why so many Americans are living a nightmare of declining quality of life. That is why the speed of an increasingly technical world frequently leaves them behind.

I am always saddened when I see our youth willingly saddle themselves with these crippling obstructions to personal success. However that pales in comparison to the anger I feel for those who enable personal failure by assigning blame everywhere other than where it belongs. Life is the sum total of the individual choices we make — good and bad. Unfortunately, that means the real world is often a cruel and unfair place that is hardly ever welcoming of the unprepared. It does not mean it is the fault of conservatives or big business.

Mike Pflum
