Letter: Republican Party distorted, needs to vanish

To the editor:

As I watch the avalanche of TV clips attacking Joe Donnelly, it sickens me to see how far down in the mud our politics have gone. Joseph Goebbels should be jumping for joy to see his propaganda machine reincarnated. Tell a Big Lie over and over and people will start to believe it. That was the foundation of the Third Reich. The conservative PAC and Super PACs are pushing that principle to the hilt with no restriction by the Republican-packed Federal Election Commission. With the foxes in the hen-house there is nothing to stop the bald-faced lies.

I worked my first political campaign in 1948 and served over 35 years in the Republican party. Then the lying began in spades with Frank Fahrenkopf leading the pack creating the fabrications on TV about Michael Dukakis. I resigned from the party which had departed far from the honorable foundation of Lincoln. There is no honesty or integrity in the current Republican party as it sugar coats its abuses with the largest and best funded propaganda machine in history.

With a conservative-packed Supreme Court, there will be no safeguards for ordinary people except the ballot box. Even that defense is being weakened by the Republican tactics of voter suppression. The distorted, dishonest Republican Party needs to vanish into oblivion along with its negative, abusive propaganda.

Donald A. Smith
