Residents report jury duty scam calls from ‘police’

Police are asking residents to watch out for a scam where callers pretending to be officers tell people they failed to show up for jury duty and need to pay a fine.

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office and Franklin Police Department both received reports from residents Wednesday of scammers calling and threatening them with arrest if they didn’t pay a fine for missing jury duty.

A Franklin resident called police to alert them about the scam call his wife had received but said they were aware it was a scam and hadn’t lost any money, a Franklin police report said.

Two Johnson County residents called the sheriff’s office after receiving a call from someone claiming to be a deputy telling them that they needed to pay a fine for missing jury duty, Johnson County Sheriff Doug Cox said.

Deputies will never call someone and ask them to turn themselves in, and they will never ask someone accused or convicted of a crime and ask them to make a payment, he said.