Letter: Invest in future with District 9 candidate

To the editor:

I recently met and was very impressed with Liz Watson, a Monroe County resident of many years, who is running for Indiana’s very important 9th Congressional District seat.

She already has experience writing legislation that helped give working class voters a raise and strengthened our organizing protections. She has been endorsed by 18 labor unions and several current and formerly-elected officials.

Liz began her public service at 18 years old by working for six-term Indiana Democratic Representative Frank McCloskey. She went on to graduate from Georgetown Law School and to become a labor and employment attorney.

Most recently, she was the labor policy director and chief labor counsel for the Democrats on the U.S. House of Representatives’ Education and the Workforce Committee.

Liz Watson is on our side. Now she needs our support and our money if she is to win the primary election in the spring and the general election in fall of 2018 against Republican millionaire Trey Hollingsworth. (Money raised now will also help garner larger endorsements in the future.)

Please read more about Liz Watson at lizforindiana.com or on Facebook @LizforIndiana. Then, give generously. We are investing in our future!

Thank you and sincerely,

Cheryl Denk Haium
