What should be on roads wish list?

More than 25 years from now, drivers could be getting on and off Interstate 65 using the county’s sixth interchange, and driving on wider roads to get there.

But that all depends on what growth comes to Franklin through businesses and housing in the next two decades.

The long-term thoroughfare plan has been in the works for months, and can be used to develop plans to improve roads, bridges, bike lanes and trails, as well as apply for state and local grants. It also helps attract developers by showing the city’s focus on infrastructure improvements, officials have said.

The plan is now being unveiled to city boards and includes widening several roads, including Jefferson Street, King Street, Graham Road, Commerce Drive, Centerline Road and Earlywood Drive, building new connector roads and a new I-65 interchange at Earlywood Drive, according to the plan.

<em>See Wednesday’s Daily Journal for more information.</em>