Training planned for advocacy program

Volunteers who want to advocate for seniors’ needs in the courtroom can begin training in September.

The Johnson County Volunteer Advocates for Seniors and Incapacitated Adults is offering training sessions from Sept. 19 through 21. The sessions are required for anyone who wants to volunteer with the program, director Joe Erickson said.

Last year, the county created the VASIA program, which is is similar to the county’s CASA, or child in need of services, program, where volunteers advocate for children involved in abuse or neglect situations. The new program is geared toward seniors or adults who are unable to make decisions for themselves and don’t have anyone who can advocate for their needs, such as in healthcare, applying for Medicare or deciding where they should live.

The program is looking for volunteers who can serve as advocates for seniors and other adults in need.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering must submit an application, have an interview with Erickson and attend all three days of training. The training will be from 5:30 to 9 p.m. each night and will be at First Presbyterian Church, 100 E. Madison St., Franklin.

For more information and to get the application, visit the program’s website at