Purdue extension office hosting Ag Day breakfast

The Purdue Extension’s annual Agriculture Day breakfast is set for Wednesday at Scott Hall at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Franklin.

The meal will start at 7:30 a.m. The cost is $1 per person. Breakfast will be served by Rolling Pin Catering. The speaker is Fred Whitford from Purdue Pesticide Programs. He is a published history buff and will discuss the importance of Extension in Indiana.

Immediately following the Ag Day Breakfast, Purdue Extension-Johnson County will host PARP (Private Applicator Recertification Program) training. Those planning to attend the PARP training should call the Extension office. After the training, Premier Ag will serve a free lunch to those who attended.

For more information, call 317-736-3724 or email Sarah Hanson, Purdue Extension educator at [email protected].