Are you ready to party?

The forecast, food and music in the works for tonight will combine to make the Daily Journal Franklin Fest the newspaper’s best street party yet.

Come join us starting at 6 p.m. on East Court and Monroe streets in downtown Franklin.

We’ve planned a party that will keep the entire family entertained.

Food: You can pick from our returning favorites, such as Brozinni Pizzeria, Mrs. Curl Ice Cream’s Mini Curl, D & S Kettle Corn or Jivy’s BBQ or newcomers to our party — Which Wich sandwiches, Johnson’s BBQ Shack or Pierogi Love Indy.

Drinks: The Elks Club will sell beer in the Franklin City Hall parking lot.

Music: The band Jambox takes the stage at the intersection of East Court and Monroe streets at 7 p.m. and will play until the party ends at 10 p.m.

Meet police officers and firefighters: Franklin firefighters will bring a fire engine for children to explore, and police officers will meet with the public gathered near the stage by the department’s new mobile unit.

The public is invited and there is no admission charge. We hope to see you there.