Letter: Home-schoolers don’t miss out on life’s lessons

To the editor:

Hello, I am a 16-year-old girl. I saw an opinion column with concerns about home schooling (“Reasons persist to steer clear of home schooling,” Aug. 17) and decided to reply.

I have been home-schooled all my life. I am concerned because I believe the column to be a little hard on the subject, especially if many haven’t been home-schooled nor been around those who do.

It is told that home-schoolers miss the opportunity for social interaction and life lessons, but I must say I disagree with that. It’s exactly the opposite. As a home-schooler myself, the social opportunities are broader than many realize. Not only do I have many chances to interact with people my age through activities I can do because I’m not in school all day, but also I have many more opportunities to interact with all kinds of different age groups. Talk about peers. I have been blessed with life wisdom from those who have experienced life much longer than myself. Also, I have been able to develop a strong relationship with the most important peers of all, my parents.

My parents, who have high school diplomas, teach me and through that I have learned much life wisdom from them also.

In Indiana, a certain number of school days are required from home-schoolers. My family has always made sure to make that quota. Some say home-schoolers never have to do report cards, but I have always had report cards.

Some also make out home-schoolers to be friendless. Such is not the case. I have so many friends I could never count them all. Home schooling gives the opportunity to focus more on friendship because, again, I am not in school all day.

It is a common opinion that home-schoolers probably skip school; but yet again, such is not the case. Actually,home schooling works well because it is fitted to each and every kid’s needs. We don’t skip school, yet we are allowed to choose the part of the day when completing our schoolwork works best. It’s very harmonious.

I’ve had people ask me if I have chances to do sports since I don’t go to public school. My answer is yes. Home-schoolers have many chances to participate in sports. Many facilities offer teams if kids would like to join. My brothers are part of a basketball team at the moment. As for me, countless times, I’ve played volleyball with many friends of mine. It is nice because the people I play with are in all different age groups. Not only do the older and more experienced players have the chance to teach me, but I myself have the chance to teach the younger ones also.

Both systems, public and home schooling, have their faults; yet both have their strengths. I believe it is wrong to attack one another. This country was born on the freedom of choice. And I believe the choice of education should be left to the parents, not the government.

Katherine Haase
