Letter: Creation of clean energy jobs right way to go

To the editor:

The “Old king coal” column published in the Daily Journal (Aug. 1, “Old king coal still reigning over Indiana’s energy realm”) motivated me to pen this letter to the editor.

Though some are glad coal is king in Indiana and want it to remain so, there is growing opposition to such a view.

Polls have shown that large majorities of Americans, across party lines, support new limits on carbon pollution from power plants and policies to bolster clean energy production. Unfortunately, Big Coal and other fossil fuel interests, together with their allies in Congress, are pulling out all the stops to derail the clean power plan.

Given the current and rapidly growing threat posed by climate change, delaying action is a high-risk gamble with our children’s future. As a father and grandfather deeply concerned about the world that our children and grandchildren are inheriting from us, I find that completely unacceptable.

And so I ask, as others are asking now in various forums, that Indiana officials not remain stubbornly wedded to such damaging forms of power while other states charge ahead with policies that support the creation of new clean energy jobs that will help us all now and in the future.

Tom Probasco
