Sheriff’s office warns of jury duty warrant scam

At first, the message from a sheriff’s deputy about missing jury duty sounded concerning.

But when a Center Grove area resident began talking to the caller, the story sounded more and more like a scam. And that’s exactly what police said the phone call this weekend was — a new scam.

A resident called police to report he got a call from a man claiming to be a deputy with the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office. The man said the resident had missed jury duty, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

The caller’s number read “1-911” on caller identification, and the name he gave is not anyone who works for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, according to a report from the sheriff’s office. The caller also said the resident could pay $2,000 to lift the warrant in a meeting the next day with a judge, clerk and district attorney and gave names that don’t match any local officials, the report said. When the resident refused, the caller said a sheriff’s deputy would be sent to arrest him, the report said.

The resident called the sheriff’s office to report the call because he was concerned someone could fall for the scam, the report said.

A deputy will not call a resident to tell them they have a warrant for their arrest or that they can pay money to avoid being arrested, Sheriff Doug Cox said.