If you’re headed to the pool, a drive-thru or need someone to cut your grass, you can expect to see some local teens.

Local high school students and graduates are working summer jobs to save up for a first car, put money back for college and keep some spending money in their pockets during summer break.

Some teens are working for neighbors and friends, and others are taking orders at fast-food restaurants and helping at family businesses. All of them are building their résumés, learning to budget money and getting the experience of working an eight-hour day.

The job search isn’t easy, and some teens are still looking for work.

For those who have a job, the summer is an opportunity to take advantage of being able to work more — up to 40 hours — while school is out.

And for those that found jobs this summer, teens said they will likely continue working during the school year around their schoolwork and sports schedules.