Bargersville set to develop 5-year plan

In the next five years, Bargersville wants to make sure roads and neighborhood streets are fixed and paved regularly and town officials are considering adding a park.

But first, they have to make sure the town can afford those projects.

The Bargersville Town Council is discussing the town’s funding to determine if there is enough money for upcoming road and park improvements. Then, officials will develop a plan to complete the projects, said Ken Zumstein, town council president.

“We have a wish list for improvements we’d like to make,” Zumstein said. “We just need to look down the road and find out what our needs are and what we can afford to do over the next five years.”

He added, “We want to avoid raising tax rates if at all possible.”

Road improvements will be the top priority. The town has an engineer rate the condition of its roads every year. Zumstein said the engineer is putting together a five-year plan that will list highest-priority roads and the cost of repairing them.

Town parks will be next in priority. Bargersville has three public parks, which all are in need of updates. In addition, the town recently purchased a piece of land that it could develop into a fourth park, Zumstein said.

He said other potential future expenses include the purchase of municipal vehicles or adding police officers.

Umbaugh & Associates, the town’s accounting firm, will present recommendations for spending over the next five years in late August, Zumstein said.

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What: Bargersville Town Council will conduct a public meeting to discuss the feasibility of road and park improvements over the next five years.

When: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday

Where: Board room, Bargersville Municipal Building, 24 N. Main St.
