Edinburgh town council welcomes new member

A new member has joined the Edinburgh town council.

Dawn Graham was selected from three people interested in filling the vacancy on the

council, council president Ron Hoffman said.

Former council member Curtis Rooks resigned after seven years because he took a job with the town. State law doesn’t allow city or town employees to also serve on the council.

Graham works as a legal

assistant for a Franklin attorney’s office. She’s a lifelong resident of Edinburgh and has a 22-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son.

Graham doesn’t have any particular issues she wants the to town address right now and hopes to quickly learn about how to manage Edinburgh. The council

position will be up for election next year, and Graham intends to try to win a full four-year term, she said.

“I mainly just wanted the learning experience and see if I could help add some of my experience, be more familiar with the political process and help serve the community,” she said.